Wim Krynauw Attorneys | General Litigation
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General Litigation

Family Law, Divorce & Matrimonial Law


General Litigation, by definition, is any grievance or alternative recourse taken to Court to regulate a legal question or matter, so that an official decision can be made to resolve it, and is commonly considered a widespread term. It largely refers to an action taken to Court by the Plaintiff (instituting party) to implement or enforce a certain right .

It further involves the legal procedure in which criminal charges and penalties are not the problem and therefore relate to non-criminal disputes.

Litigation further involves a sequence of stages that may lead to either a trial or to the resolution of the matter, as well as, but not limited to the drafting, issuing, service, and filing of Pleadings, attending to and completing the Discovery process whereafter a Trial may commence, and thereafter perhaps an Appeal. However, at any time, the parties to the litigation process may stop the procedure by willingly settling the matter.


General Litigation Services Offered at Wim Krynauw Attorneys:

  • Arrear Rental;
  • Landlord and Tenant Disputes;
  • Evictions or Ejectments, including PIE Act Evictions;
  • Contractual Disputes, including breach and cancellation of contract;
  • Delictual Damages Disputes;
  • Family Law;
  • Children’s matters, including Parenting Plans, Child Rights and Access to Children;
  • Divorces, both opposed and unopposed;
  • Interim Custody and Maintenance Orders are known as Rule 43 Applications;
  • Co-Habitation Agreements;
  • Child Maintenance Applications;
  • Variation of Marital Regimes.
  • Antenuptial contracts;
  • Domestic Violence and Protection Orders;
  • Spoliation Applications;
  • Latent and Patent Defects;
  • Lease Agreements;
  • Debt Collection;
  • Commercial Recoveries, in both public and private sector;
    Section 65 Procedures.