Wim Krynauw Attorneys | Medical Negligence
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Medical Negligence

Medical Practitioners have a legal duty to comply with a certain standard of care. If the practitioner’s care falls below the standard as can be reasonably expected from a practitioner with such qualifications and experience you might have a medical negligence claim.


There are many different fields of medical negligence claims but we at WKA specialize in birth asphyxia claims. These are cases where a baby suffers brain damage because of oxygen and blood deprivation during the birth process. These matters are complex and costly. Although lots of firms are making themselves out as experts in this field (especially over the last couple of years) it is best to trust your case to the experts.


WKA are one of the experts in this complex field of law. Our track record speaks for itself. Not only have we not lost one matter since we started with these claims in 2012 but the awards we get our clients are higher than most attorneys venturing into this field. We are proud to say that the award of R36 795 413-00 which we were able to get for our client in 2018 is still amongst the highest ever awarded.


The matter of Z vs MEC OF HEALTH GAUTENG where we have represented the client until it was finally decided in her favour by the Constitutional Court has changed the way judges view compensation in these types of matters for ever. This and several other Supreme Court of Appeal and High Court judgements in our favour are frequently used by our colleagues.

If you suspect that you might have a claim please do not hesitate to contact our offices for a free consultation.