Wim Krynauw Attorneys | Motor Vehicle Accidents
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Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, whether as a driver, passenger or pedestrian, you may claim for compensation against the Road Accident Fund (“RAF”). Any person involved in a motor vehicle accident can claim compensation from the RAF, except the driver of a vehicle whose negligence was the sole cause of the accident.


The RAF is a statutory insured organisation created by Government to pay compensation to victims of a road accident. The RAF steps into the shoes, and assumes the liability, of the driver who caused the accident.


The RAF is funded by a levy on petrol and diesel.

After an accident you can claim against the RAF if you were injured or a member of your family was killed:

  • while being conveyed as a passenger in a car, bus, truck or on a motorcycle or bicycle;
  • while riding a bicycle which collided with a motor vehicle and the accident was not your fault;
  • while driving a motor vehicle or riding a motorcycle and the accident was not your fault;
  • if your breadwinner passes away as a result of an accident which was not his/her fault.

Claims can be made for the following:

  • Past and Future medical expenses
  • Past and Future loss of support
  • Past and Future loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral expenses

If you suspect that you might have a claim please do not hesitate to contact our offices for a free consultation.