Wim Krynauw Attorneys | Personal Injuries Sustained In Public Areas
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Personal Injuries Sustained In Public Areas

Injuries sustained in a shopping mall, retail store, cinema, restaurant, sports stadium, airport, casino, etc. caused by a falling object, a slippery floor or treacherous stairs may be grounds for a damages claim.


The owners or occupiers of public areas have a duty to ensure compliance with basic safety and security requirements, and to ensure proper maintenance, in order to prevent accidents.


Due to the complex nature or these claims, it is advisable that you contact us for a consultation to enable us to determine whether you have a claim against the owner or occupier of the public area.


The following claims can be made in respect of injuries sustained in Public Places:

  • Past medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Past loss of income
  • Future loss of income
  • Pain and suffering

If you suspect that you might have a claim please do not hesitate to contact our offices for a free consultation.